February made me shiver…

The days are getting cold here in Ontario and this year, instead of getting outside and in the snow, I am feeling like hiding out in my cozy clothes with massive mugs of hot tea and coffee. January’s New Beginnings Program was a great way to start the year and I am ready to face 2021 feeling fresh, light, and healthy….but I’m still cold. Sometimes this is our body’s way of telling us to focus on warming foods. With all the red and orange colours of Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day, February could be seen as a spiritually warming month even if the temperatures outside are sub zero. I’m going to be spending the next few weeks enjoying some of my favourite warming meals, getting quality sleep, and spending more time looking inward. Focussing on my inner self gives me a sense of wellbeing. It ignites my thoughts and passion and radiates warmth during the dark days of February.

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